Saturday 31 October 2009


On Halloween night 1963, six-year-old Michael Myers murders his fifteen-year-old sister Judith with a large butcher knife at their home in Haddonfield, Illinois. Almost immediately after, his parents arrive home and find him in a trance-like state. They send him to Smith's Grove Warren County Sanitarium and he is placed under the care of child psychiatrist Dr. Sam Loomis. Eight years of treatment leads Loomis to believe that Michael is nothing less than pure evil. An additional seven years of trying to keep Myers locked up ends upon his attempted transfer to be prosecuted as an adult. As Loomis and his assistant Marion Chambers go to Smiths Grove to take the 21-year-old Myers to court, Myers steals their car, nearly attacks Marion and escapes. Loomis knows where he is going and pursues him.

In Haddonfield, Myers stalks teenager Laurie Strode and some of her friends. At various points throughout the day Laurie sees a man in a white mask (from her classroom window, behind a bush while she walks home, and in the clothesline from her bedroom window). Later in the evening, Laurie meets her friend Annie Brackett (Nancy Kyes) who is babysitting Lindsey Wallace across the street from where Laurie is babysitting Tommy Doyle.

After arranging to pick up her boyfriend, Annie sends Lindsey to stay with Laurie at the Doyle house. As she gets into the car, however, Myers pops up from the backseat and strangles her, and ends up cutting her throat. Tommy sees Myers carrying Annie's body into the Wallace house and thinks he is the Boogeyman. Laurie dismisses the boy's terror and sends Tommy and Lindsey to bed. Myers later murders another friend of Laurie, Lynda Van Der Klok and Lynda's boyfriend, Robert "Bob" Simms in the empty Wallace house after having sex.

Laurie worries for her friends' safety after receiving a strange phone call from Lynda at the Wallace house. She walks across the street and discovers the three bodies plus Judith Myers' missing tombstone. She is attacked by Michael Myers but manages to escape back to the Doyle house. Michael manages to gain access to the house but Laurie jabs a knitting needle into his neck, apparently killing him. She goes upstairs to reassure the children when Michael again follows her. She hides the children and locks herself in a closet where Michael proceeds to break open the door to stab her. Laurie untangles a coat hanger and sticks it in his face causing him to drop his knife which Laurie grabs and plunges it into his chest.

Exiting the closet, she sends the children to a neighbors for help. Loomis hears the children's panic and enters the Doyle house. Behind Laurie, Myers gets up and walks towards her and begins to throttle her. Loomis appears and manages to shoot him away, following up with 5 more shots which knock Michael over a balcony. Loomis then looks over the balcony, finding that Michael has disappeared.

Sounds like someone should have done a risk assessment on Mr Myers

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